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At Red Cow Media, we have a considerable amount of experience in taking websites that have an existing online presence, and expanding them out to reach a global audience. With an ever-growing number of website internationalisation projects under our belt, our team are perfectly positioned to assist with your journey on the road to global domination!
You may already be aware of the seemingly endless possibilities that internationalising your website could bring to your business, or you may currently be looking into it from a research perspective; either way, it’s useful to understand the key markets that are prime for international expansion, and the digital marketing opportunities that exist within each territory.
- One of the main considerations for any international expansion for non-English speaking countries in particular will always be website content translation. You want to make sure that native translations are used rather than a service that auto translates, as this can hinder your website performance by impacting everything from user experience to performance in SEO within the respective countries.
- Ensure that you thoroughly research your target areas and have defined reasons as to why they’re being targeted at all. Conduct global market research into the key areas that will suit your product or services to make sure that you’re setting yourself up for success.
- Consider user behaviours within your target countries, such as differences in preferred advertising styles. Each digital marketing campaign should be set up completely separately to ensure you’re getting the best performance in every location – what users in the UK respond to will be completely different to China, for example.
- Ensure everything is set up properly to build upon, rather than risk what you already have built up – we can’t stress enough the need to protect existing traffic and maintain what you already have through a thorough, strategic and expert-led approach to your international expansion.
Europe is usually one of the first areas that comes on to the radar when considering international expansion online. This is purely for practical reasons which tend to revolve around being able to service the chosen area, whether that’s due to ease of shipping for ecommerce websites, or due to timezone differences when providing a service. It may also be the case that you’ve already managed to gain some traction within some European countries by building up visibility in the UK. No matter your reasons, expanding your website into European territories can be hugely beneficial for growth.
The best approach to take when expanding your site’s reach into Europe will be dependent upon your offering, and also on which European countries you’re looking to expand into. The most common European countries that UK based businesses approach us about tend to be Germany, France, Spain, Italy and The Netherlands due to them having largely similar purchasing behaviours to users in the UK.
- Europe houses 19% of all internet users worldwide
- 48% of all global internet users live in Asia
- China has the most internet users of any country with over 772 million users
- In 2018, over 75% of all online purchases in China were completed on a mobile device
- 95% of Americans say they shop online at least once per year
- 20% of all Instagram users live in the USA