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- 3,171,659 people on average reached per month
- 17,632,168 impressions per month on average
- 36x ROAS through Facebook & Instagram advertising
- 69,207 clicks to website per month on average
HERA are a UK based men’s & women’s streetwear brand stocked in prominent high street stores such as Selfridges and worn by A-list celebrities around the world from David Beckham to Lewis Hamilton, Conor McGregor and Steve Aoki. The plain but distinctive design of clothing with a large logo on the front has always been the brands trademark with hoodies and t-shirts being their most popular products.
The aim of our campaign with HERA was to try and increase advertising spend on Facebook and Instagram substantially (around 5x what was being spent previously) whilst trying to maintain an excellent return on investment. The target was to increase overall sales in line with the increase in spend.
As you can see from the results above we managed to achieve this in spectacular fashion with some very high return on advertising spend stats and reached a large amount of people with our campaigns. HERA as a brand isn’t too ‘out there’ in terms of design and therefore the clothing appeals to a large pool of people meaning that we could be quite broad with our audiences and still be able to retain a good ROAS. Our funnel approach to social media advertising means that we aren’t wasting money on people who aren’t interested in purchasing and we only put the extra money in to those that will convert and make a purchase.