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Pinterest Finally Adds Real Time Analytics

Real time analytics for Pinterest is now available, take a look at which of our posts have performed the best and how you go about accessing it.

This is something that many marketers have been begging for, for a while now. Pinterest is the second largest social referrer behind Facebook and many sectors rely heavily upon traffic generated from the brochure/collection website to launch new ranges or promote items. The website is most popular amongst women and tends to be used mainly to share/promote recipes, clothing, jewellery and photography/artwork. We heard about Pinterest testing potential advertising options on the site earlier this year and now they’ve moved on to Analytics which will obviously be a big deal to anyone looking to advertise on there.

Finding the Analytics page is easy, you just click on your username in the top right hand corner and then go to the ‘Analytics’ option in the drop down menu. We ventured on to the site to take a look our new company Pinterest page that was set up last month to see how it was performing. Here are the results…

So we have 352 average monthly viewers and the most popular post was our special edition FIFA World Cup logo that gained 132 on its own.