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How Email Can Impact Your SEO Results

Ever wondered whether email marketing can help with your rankings and SEO results? The answer is, it does, find out how here…

Email marketing has always been a great way to engage with your customers, in a sense it is similar to retargeting in that you have a list of people you know are interested in your products/services and you are trying to re-engage with them. After all, they’ve already either bought something from you or gone to the trouble of signing up to your newsletter in the past so you know if you send them special offers/promotions there is a better chance of converting than with something like PPC.

One major benefit of email marketing that business owners and even some marketing experts seem to neglect however is the impact it can have on your rankings. Now, before you start sending out 30 emails titled “Best Restaurant in Manchester” to try and improve your rankings for the keyword, take a look at HOW it can actually benefit your SEO results.

Unfortunately, it isn’t as simple as putting keywords in your emails. Google doesn’t crawl your emails and index them in search results (thankfully!) but creating the right kind of email can help boost a couple of certain ranking factors, namely, engagement and social sharing. They key is to try and incentivise comments. For example, if you’ve recently written a blog post on how spending £1,000 a month on paid advertising on LinkedIn will generate a return of £10,000, email it out with a call to action asking people to comment. You can even embed social media posts within the email to get comments directly on there.

Encourage people to keep reading your content on a regular basis, ensure you only send out the best of the best blog posts in your emails and put a call to action in to get your customers to connect via RSS and social media to keep up to date with the latest developments in your industry. If you can regularly direct a large amount of people to your website and social media channels, not only are you increasing traffic but also your rankings via engagement and sharing. Never underestimate what impact engagement on your social media channels can have to your rankings!