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Google’s New Logo

Google’s New Logo

If you hadn’t noticed Google’s logo has now completely changed. It is their biggest revamp since 1999, but have Google just simply changed their logo?

If you hadn’t noticed Google’s logo has now completely changed. It is their biggest revamp since 1999, but have Google just simply changed their logo?

On September 1st, Google completely changed the look of their logo. The 3D letters became two dimensional, whilst the font changed to a sans-sarif typeface. Alphabet – the new parent company of Google, realised that Google wasn’t being used just on a desktop. Google released a blog claiming “These days, people interact with Google products across many different platforms, apps and devices – sometimes all in a single day.”

Alphabet adapted the original logo which was only built for a single desktop browser. They have now adjusted it to a digital world where Google was available on vast amounts of devices. The rebranding doesn’t stop at the homepage as the little blue “g” icon on your tab has transformed into a four coloured “G” to resemble the new logo. The introduction was simple, as the old symbol was wiped away and the new vibrant colours were drawn in.

“We’re introducing a new logo and identity family that reflects this reality and shows you when the Google magic is working for you, even on the tiniest screen.” Google discussed that the new logo is a reflection on how much technology has developed and how we now interact with products using the internet. Now Google’s logo works better with low-bandwidth connections changing the size to “305 bytes” in comparison to the old “14,000 bytes”.

“This isn’t the first time we’ve changed our look and it probably won’t be the last, but we think today’s update is a great reflection of all the ways Google works for you across Search, Gmail, Chrome and many others.” From face value the update only seemed like a logo change, but behind the scenes Google are trying to make the user experience even friendlier.